Earth Geometry

Earth geometry is a mathematical concept that deals with the spherical Earth in relation to distance, time and location of places which are found on the latitude or longitudes

Earth Geometry Fundamentals

The Earth is made up of two demarcation of line namely the latitude and the longitude

what you should know about the latitude

latitude: are lines which run from east to west of the earth

The latitude which is 0 degrees is refered to has the equator

The signs for the line on the latitudes are N (north) or S (south)

Earth Geometry example 1

what you should know about the longitude

longitude: are lines which run from north to south of the earth

The longitude which is 0 degrees is refered to has the Greenwich meridian

The signs for the line on the longitude are E (east) or W (west)

Earth Geometry example 2

How to Calculate Time in earth Geometry

1. First step to take to calculate the time between two difference places is to find the difference between those two places which can be the longitudes or latitudes

2. when finding the difference between two places you have to know when to add or subtract two points:

if the locations are found in the same region you have to subtract those two places example of places which are: 50 o E and 80 o E and given that the time at 50 o E is 12:00 hrs what is the time at 80 o E

Earth Geometry example 3

The difference between the two places:

difference = 80 o - 50 o

difference = 30 o

hours = 30 o 15 o

hours = 2 hours

Therefore time at 80 o E is 12:00 + 2:00 = 14:00 hrs

if the places are in difference locations the difference is found by adding the values of those two places example are: 20 o W and 120 o E

Earth Geometry example 4

Given that the time at 120 o E is 18:00 hrs what is the time at 20 o W

difference = 120 o + 20 o

difference = 140 o

hours = 140 o 15 o = 9.33

= 9 hours and a remainder of 5 o

1 o = 4 minutes

5 o = x minutes

x = 9 minutes

09:09 hrs

The time of the place which is in the west having 20 o W is 18:00 - 09:09 hrs = 08:51 hrs

Points to note

1. To find the time of a place which is in the east, given that you have been provided with the time of a place in the west. The time difference is added to the time of a place in the west to find time of a place in east

2. Secondly to find the time of a place which is in the west, provided that you have been given the time of a place in the east. The time difference is subtracted to the time of a place in the east to find time of a place in west

3. 15 o is equal to 1 hour

4. Fourthly is to divide 15 o into the difference find between the latitude or the longitudes

5. if they are any remainders when dividing with 15 o take note that the remainders are minutes.

6. 1 o is equal to 4 minutes therefore multiply the remainder with 4 to find the minutes

Example 1

In the diagram, find:

Earth Geometry example 5

(i) Describe position Q, W and V

(ii) The difference in longitude between P and Q ; P and T

(iii) The difference in latitude between S and U; S and W



Q = 30 o N, 10 o W

W = 40 o S, 40 o E

V = 10 o S, 45 o E


P and Q

P = 30 o W, Q = 10 o W

P and Q = 30 o W - 10 o W

P and Q = 20 o

p and T

p = 30 o W, T = 45 o E

p and T = 30 o W, + 45 o E

p and T = 75 o


S and U

S = 30 o N, U = 10 o N

S and U = 30 o N - 10 o N

S and U = 20 o

S and W

S = 30 o N, W = 40 o S

S and W = 30 o N + 40 o S

S and W = 70 o

Example 2

W, X, Y and Z are four points on the surface of the earth as shown in the diagram below.

[𝜋 = 3.142,𝑅 = 3437𝑛𝑚]

Earth Geometry example 6

(i) Calculate the difference in latitude betweeen W and Y.

(ii) Calculate the distance in nautical miles between

(a) X and Z along the longitude 105⁰E

(b) Y and Z along the circle of latitude 30⁰S



W = 80 o N, 30 o S

W = 80 o N, + 30 o S

Answer: 110 o


How to find distance in earth geometry


Distance XZ


D =θ360 × 2πR

π = 3.142, R = 3437nm, θ = 80⁰N + 30⁰S = 110,

XZ =110360 × 2 ×3.142 ×3437

XZ =2375791.88360

XZ =6599.42

Answer: XZ =6600nm


Distance YZ


D =θ360 × 2πr CosX o

Note that

R = r Cos(x) o meaning that capital R (Radius) is equal to small r times cos(x)⁰. This is applied when finding distance betweeen latitudes

π = 3.142, r = 3437nm, θ = 15⁰W + 105⁰E = 120, Cos(x) o = Cos(30) o

YZ =120360 × 2 ×3.142×3437 × Cos(30) o

YZ =2244541.224360

YZ =6234.836

Answer: YZ =6235nm

Points to note

θ = theta represents the difference in latitude or longitude

R = represents the Radius

π = Pi represents 22 7 or 3.142

Distance =θ360 × 2πR = Formula to find the distance between longitudes

Distance =θ360 × 2πr CosX o = Formula to find the distance between latitudes

R = r Cos(x) o

How to solve earth geometry

The diagram below shows three points P, Q and R on the surface of the earth.

[Take π as 3.142 and R = 6370km ]

Earth Geometry example 7

(a) Calculate the difference in longitude between P and R

(b) Given that the distance between P and Q on latitude XoN is 4392.079611km, calculate X.

(c) Calculate the distance QR on longitude 24oE.



P = 55 W

R = 24 E

difference = 55+24

Answer: 79 o



D =θ360 × 2πR CosX o

D = 4392.079611

θ = 79

π = 3.142

R = 6370

CosX o = ?

D =θ360 × 2πR CosX o

4392.08 =79360 × 2×3.142×6370 CosX o

4392.08 = 8784.159 CosX o

CosX o = 0.5

X o = Cos -10.5

Answer: X =60 oN



D =θ360 × 2πR

QR = ?

Q = 60

R = 60

θ = 120

π = 3.142

Radius = 6370

QR =120360 × 2×3.142 ×6370

QR = 13,343.027

Answer: QR = 13,343.027 km